Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Seriously it can. About a year ago I hung a birdhouse feeder on my little tree in the front. I picked up a bag of birdseed santioned by no less than the Audubon Society. Within days I witnessed the lovely sights of bluejays, cardinals, lovebirds, chicadees, kingfisher sparrows all manner of local birdfolk as well as a few crazy squirrels. The huge bag I bought lasted nary a month as friends invited friends and my small yard became "THE'" spot for happening and hungry birds. Soon I was buying more bags sooner. It got to the point that after I filled the house within an hour it would be empty and the huge bags were only lasting a week at most. The birds started expecting me to fill the house and not even flying away when I went to do so. After the house would empty the enbolded and slightly pissed off johnny-come-latelys would look in the window sometimes pecking it as if to say get off your lazy butt and give us more food! My cats who originally enjoyed the spectacle were becoming alarmed at the bold displays of the birds and would jump down from the window sills only to cower under the bed upstairs. Finally the day came when fearing a scene from a famous Hitchcock movie I ran out to buy birdseed (I was picking up a couple of bags a week now) and the Audubon brand was out. In desperation I grabbed what seemed to be an acceptable brand of Wallyworld birdseed and headed home. After putting what was to be known as the subpar brand into the feeder, results seemed instantaneous. My house was no longer the "It" place and became the "C list" of the birdworld. I say "C list" because we were being utilized only in the foulest of weather. Only when ice was covering the ground an inch thick were our services utilized. It took days, weeks even to empty the formerly popular birdhouse feeder. So as the dreaded birdseed bag that has lasted through the entire winter is finally and completely emptied I say "Welcome Spring" ! ( Still deciding whether to go back to the Money Pit birdseed)

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Try Try Again........

Well this is my second attempt at a new entry. Let us see if it works....
The second picture is Frederick after ten hours. The first is my own little horn "dog" Snowball. If there is a camera around Snowball is in the picture!
I have decided to do a rotation. I really want to finish Lazy Afternoon so I will go back to that after ten hours of each thing on my list. Now I will go back to Lazy and publish a picture after 10 hours.

Thanks to everyone that comments. It means so much to me !

adopt your own virtual pet!
The WeatherPixie